Chronicles of the Sentient Sword vol 1 Pantania the Guild Mistress

Copyright 2011 Gerald L. Black

Welcome to the world of Domhan, a fantasy realm.

Sentient Sword is available.

Vol. 1 Pantania, the Guild Mistress (available Now at local retailers or
Vol.2 The Golden Child(TBA)
Vol. 3 Little Black One(TBA)

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I have been a heavy metal singer and am now writer of fantasy novels.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Death and a Drunk

The Án Corran deliberated for hours. Mabsant was tired and he was hungry. It had been hours since he had last eaten. Even then it was but one chicken. They were trying to starve him, he decided.  Finally, they had decided on a course of action. Something had to be done about the recent epidemic of murders in Fialscathac, but they had their own issues to take care of. So, it was decided that the paladin and his cleric companion would be sent to find Elioth, the crystal wizard and ask for his help with the problem. He was a longtime friend of the realm and had been called upon to help in the past.
Elioth would not refuse a request from the king. Renarthane would carry a scroll sealed in wax with the royal signet clearly on display. It was said the crystal wizard used questionable means as a source for his power, but he had always been ready to defend the empire. He would be asked to do so again.

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